All staff attended the training organized
Author£ºyinhua  Time£º2007/1/12  Hits£º27273 

All staff attended the training organized and made their daily work performance one by one according to the requirement of Joyspeed. There were two parts of the lectures:

Firstly, Mr. Anthony shared his experience in Logistics field with us,include how to write emails correctly and apply other verious techniques properly.Thanks to it,we got precious chance to communicate with each other about our work.

Secondly, the P2 program was lectured by a proffessional software engineer,divided into several parts such as¡¡air and ocean as well as finance, etc. Finally, everybody got test and signed when he/she passed the exam. Both working skills and ability were obviously improved through this training, as well as teamwork spirit.

Previous£º Joyspeed freight revenue reached usd.2,351. 000 in 2003 and usd.2,184,0002004.
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